Food + Fuel for the artsy crowd
School of the Museum of Fine Arts at
Tufts University
230 Fenway
Boston, MA 02115
Ways to pay: Meal Plan Equivalency, JumboCash, Cash, Credit Card (Mastercard, Visa, Discover)
Student Meal Plan Equivalency, 1 swipe: Breakfast $8.34, Lunch/Late Lunch $14.23, Dinner $15.66
1 Meal Equivalency per Meal Period in a Retail Location. Meal Periods are defined as:
- Breakfast: Unit Opening Time until 10:59am
- Lunch: 11am-1:59pm
- Late Lunch: 2pm-4:59pm
- Dinner: 5pm-Unit Closing Time
What better place to feed yourself and your creative spirit than at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts? The SMFA Cafe is here to help fuel your art with all kinds of goodness: classic egg sandwiches, acai bowls, freshly-baked muffins, customized burgers, wraps, salads and paninis, and classic comfort food from around the world. So, take a food break - for your art's sake.
The SMFA Café can make you a customized burger or roll you up a wrap just how you like it. If all you’d like is a cappuccino to get your day started, – we’ve got you! If you’re needing a bit more - add a freshly baked muffin or breakfast egg sandwich. We can make you a hot panini right off the grill or if your preference is more chilly, visit the grab and go case for fresh salads.
What to have: "The burger bar! I mean I can have anything I want!" And you can get it Veggie too. Daily specials are worth checking - the Chicken Parm and Tikka Masala are my favs!"
Jumbononymous Tip: "If you like to eat late, get your food early and take it to the studio. What a great selection? Cookies for late night are a must have."